How to spot a tax avoidance umbrella scheme How to spot a tax avoidance umbrella scheme


How to spot a tax avoidance umbrella scheme


Navigating the world of contract employment can be complex, especially when it comes to understanding the intricacies of tax compliance. Non-compliant umbrella companies often claim to increase your take-home pay by breaking tax rules, which can lead to unexpected bills and legal troubles. Here are four tips to help you spot and steer clear of potential tax avoidance schemes.

Check your payslip 

Your payslip is your first line of defence against tax avoidance schemes. Always check your payslip to ensure you’re paying the right amount of tax. A compliant umbrella company will provide a clear breakdown of your earnings, taxes, and any deductions. If something seems off or if the amounts don’t add up, it’s a red flag that warrants further investigation. 

Pay attention to the tax code on your payslip; if it doesn’t match the code provided by HMRC, there could be an issue. You should also scrutinise the National Insurance contributions and any other deductions. Non-compliant umbrella companies might try to disguise your employment status or manipulate figures to lower their tax liabilities at your expense. 

Verify bank account deposits 

Double-check that the money in your bank account matches your payslip. Non-compliant umbrella companies may want to make it seem like you’re earning more than you really are. If the deposits don’t align with the amounts specified on your payslip, it’s a sign that the company might be engaging in dubious practices. 

Beware of non-taxable payments 

Look out for separate payments which you’re told aren’t taxable, like loans or advances. These schemes often disguise part of your salary as non-taxable to reduce the amount of tax you owe. While this might seem beneficial in the short term, it can lead to significant tax liabilities down the line. Always question any payments that aren’t subject to tax and consult with a tax professional if in doubt. 

Another red flag is if the company claims you will receive reimbursements for expenses that you haven’t actually incurred. Legitimate reimbursements should match documented and actual expenses related to your job. If the reimbursement amounts seem unusually high or if they are for expenses you didn’t claim, it’s worth investigating further. 

Watch for additional agreements 

Be cautious if a company asks you to sign another agreement in addition to your employment contract. Non-compliant umbrella companies might use additional agreements to obscure the true nature of your employment and tax obligations. Ensure that all terms and conditions are transparent and fully understood before signing any documents. 

For example, you might be asked to sign a “loan agreement” or “secondment agreement” that outlines different terms from your main contract. These additional agreements can be a means to disguise your actual salary, making a portion of it appear as a loan or other non-taxable payment. Always seek legal or professional advice if you’re unsure about the content or implications of any additional agreements. 

Why compliance matters 

Tax compliance is crucial for both your financial health and legal standing. Falling into a tax avoidance scheme can result in severe penalties, including hefty fines and backdated tax bills. HMRC has the authority to pursue unpaid taxes from employees, even if it was the employer’s wrongdoing that led to the tax avoidance. 

Ensuring compliance protects not only your immediate financial situation but also your long-term stability. It’s worth taking the extra time to scrutinise payslips, verify payments, and question any dubious practices. By doing so, you safeguard yourself against the risks associated with tax avoidance schemes. 

By following these tips, you can better protect yourself from the pitfalls of non-compliant umbrella companies and ensure your tax affairs are in order.  

Need Help? Speak to Sapphire 

Navigating tax compliance can be challenging, and it’s crucial to ensure you’re on the right path. If you’re ever in doubt or need professional advice, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. Our team is here to help you understand your payslip, verify your tax status, and ensure you’re compliant with all regulations. 

For more personalised guidance, contact us here. Our experts can provide the support and assurance you need to avoid tax avoidance schemes and protect your financial future.