Sapphire partners with MHFA England to run mental health first aid course
News 28th Mar ’23At Sapphire the health and well-being of the entire team is paramount, so when the email initially went out about Sapphire partnering with MHFA England to run a mental health first aid course, we thought this would be a great addition to the company. The partnership with MHFA England will improve resources available to our colleagues and grow awareness, and allows us to continuously develop the culture of the business; where two of the main values are care and support.
As you may or may not know, mental health issues are much more common than people realise; with 1 in 4 people experiencing a mental health problem each year. As people spend a large proportion of their time at work, Sapphire has decided to have Mental Health First Aiders (MHFA’s) available to all staff. MHFA’s will be a point of contact for anyone working at Sapphire who may be experiencing a mental health issue, emotional distress or feeling down.
Mental Health First Aiders are not there to diagnose, nor to give advice or therapy. They will not have all the answers and cannot immediately make some feel better. However, they are trained to recognise the symptoms and signs of mental ill health and provide initial support to anyone who needs it.
During the course we learnt about a variety of mental health problems such as depression, anxiety and schizophrenia, and the impact these conditions can have on daily life. Not only are MHFA’s available to support those in need, they are also continuously working to change the culture surrounding mental health.
As part of the course with MHFA England, we were trained on how to start the right conversations and support and assess risk; this was through discussions, activities, self-reflection and case studies. One of the main things people worry about when helping others is saying the wrong thing or how to begin that initial conversation in fear of causing offence, but we quickly learnt that really what everyone needs initially is a present ear, non-judgmental words and support. By supporting ourselves and those suffering with their mental health, we can do our part in reducing the stigma still surrounding mental health issues, and make the work environment an open and safe one.
We spend most of our time at work and work can have a real impact on anyone’s mental health as it can be a main catalyst of stress; whether it be through a high workload, lack of support/control or unclear objectives, not to mention the constant change industries can face. Therefore, having awareness and support in every workplace is integral for a business to keep the team feeling secure, happy and well. Along with good plans and structure in place, a MHFA provides an additional resource for all employees.
A large part of the MFHA course focused on the importance of also looking after your own mental well-being. Practising self-care and looking after your own well-being is essential and necessary when helping those who may be struggling. Self-care can come in many different forms and differ from person to person.
Finally, finding the right support for yourself can sometimes feel daunting and scary, we don’t always know where to start, where to look for the information or who to turn to when asking for help. During our training, the MHFAs gained access to lots of resources that can assist in finding the best support channel. We will work with each individual who needs it to assist in finding the best channel for themselves; whether that be community-based or professional.
Remember we are here to help, so reach out if you need support.