On the 23rd of February 2022 our friend, colleague and Payroll Manager, Maria was diagnosed with breast cancer at just 30 years old. This was a shock for everybody across the business let alone Maria herself.
Initially Maria had noticed something not looking quite right with her breast which she proceeded to raise with her local doctor. However, she was told it was unlikely to be anything due to her age and that it was just hormonal. Issues continued to the point that Maria was experiencing regular excruciating pains in her chest, at which point she reached out to her doctor again. With reluctance, she was then referred to the hospital for further checks to be told it was just a cyst that needed to be drained.
It wasn’t until they went to drain the cyst, that they discovered it was in fact cancer.
Since then, Maria has continued to work throughout all her treatments and has always gone about her day with a smile on her face. Thankfully, Maria’s story has a positive outcome as she was able to spot her symptoms early enough, however this is often not the case for many people. Particularly for women under 50 and that’s why Maria is determined to make a difference.
Following multiple treatments and four significant operations, one of which being fertility preservation, Maria is expected to live a full and healthy life but will remain on medication for the rest of her life.
Turning a negative into a positive
Maria is determined not to let this stop her, on the 19th of August 2022, she became an official Coppafeel ambassador, or more affectionately referred to as a Bobette! After travelling down to Coppafeel’s Boob HQ for full training, she is now fully equipped to start spreading awareness.
The role of a Boobette is to educate and remind young people of the importance of checking themselves on a regular basis. This is done through light-hearted and empowering talks and presentations in schools, colleges, universities, and workplaces. With the aim being that any breast cancer diagnoses are found and treated at the earliest stage possible.
Coppafeel is the first breast cancer charity in the UK whose sole purpose is to educate and raise awareness amongst young people. Ensuring everybody has the best possible chance of surviving a diagnosis.
We are delighted to be supporting Maria and Coppafeel’s mission and as a result we’re encouraging you to get in touch with our very own Boobette Maria. If you would like her to pay your workplace a visit, to discuss this further and most importantly Coppafeel, get in touch.